MMR40 Chassis Work (Con’t)

MMR40 Chassis Work (Con’t) Filed in Kits on Dec.20, 2009 I was able to get a little more chassis work done on the MMR-40. Here is what the faceplate looks like now. I’m still debating on whether to put in a jack for headphones on the front. This will end up with a laminated photo overlay for a nice looking finish. MMR-40 Faceplate Ace Hardware had some nylon screws an nuts that I used to mount the PC board. This prevents any shorts that might occur due to some traces being really close to the screw holes. Mounting Hardware So the board is bolted to the perfboard, with the controls sticking out the front panel just enough to tighten the nut on the microphone jack to add some stability. MMR40 Mounted in the chassis Here is a wide view of the board and external wiring. All connections to the board are on headers, so it may easily be unplugged to work on it out of the chassis. I haven’t tied up all of the wires yet, as it’s still a wo...