August 2017 Eclipse High Altitude Balloon Flights
August 2017 Eclipse High Altitude Balloon Flights Filed in ANSR Tracker on Aug.30, 2017 The ham radio club that I am a member of supported two high altitude balloon flights from the area of Glendo, Wyoming on August 21st, 2017. Sun and the mood at totality – no filter Arizona Near Space Research worked with Embry Riddle University and Arizona State University to launch two balloons with their scientific payloads, in support of the nationwide effort to provide NASA with real time video from near-space during the totality of the eclipse. My assignment was to construct and operate the balloon tracking antenna system for the flight that would download still photos from one of the balloons. The Embry Riddle students would construct and operate the second tracking station, which would download the live video stream from the other balloon. Other students and members of Arizona Near Space Research were involved in the launch and recovery of the payloads. Here is a video of t