The Haul – (Superstition ARC Swapfest 2009)
The Haul – (Superstition ARC Swapfest 2009)
I got up at my normal work wake up time on
Saturday morning to attend the Superstition Amateur Radio Club’s 2009
Swapfest at Mesa Community College. I was expecting more of the same as I
had seen in the last few years, with dwindling attendance, mostly
computer stuff, and bad weather.
I’m happy to say I was wrong on all counts.
This year, I found more good parts and part radios than I had seen in
several years. I was mostly hoping to find some variable capacitors
at reasonable prices, as they cannot hardly be found new anymore. They
are necessary for a lot of the older projects I have been interested in
I found a box of variable caps, with a tube socket and a microphone
thrown in. I offered $20 for the whole box, and was happy to have it
There are a couple of transmitting caps in there and lots of receiver type caps. It should keep me going for awhile.
I found a second, bigger box with probably close to 100 variable
capacitors in it of various sizes. I offered $30, and the gentleman
needed more, so I offered $40, and he countered with $45. I
acknowledged that they were worth the price, but refused it anyway
(dumb!). I probably could have sold two of the bigger caps in there on
EBay for $40 dollars alone, and kept the rest, but I was tired of
bargaining… oh well.
There were a couple of Gonset Communicators (for 6-meters and
2-meters AM) at one table. They were in really poor condition, but the
vernier drive felt good on them, and I figured there would be plenty of
good parts inside, so I offered $10 each, which was accepted.
I was kind of torn as to whether I should part them out or not, as they
are older than me, and someone might value them. I’ll have to check
EBay occassionally to see if any sell for a decent price before I decide
what to do.
I found the beginnings of the “Progressive Communications Receiver” design by Wes Haywood W7ZOI. It included the chassis and case, a nice vernier drive, completed VFO, and several modules already built. $25 took the whole thing.
The 9-mhz IF module has a quartz filter onboard.
The Mixer Module has an SBL-1 hybrid mixer in it.
In addition to those two modules, there was also:
- a complete VFO assembly
- a second mixer module (missing the SBL-1, though)
- two oscillator modules (BFO and a conversion oscillator)
- a Product Detector/Audio Module
- an 80-meter preselector filter
- a 10-meter converter (unfinished)
- and an active RC filter
I’ll post more pictures of this project as I get to it.
I also found an old Navy Surplus Frequency Test Set TS-175C/U. It is in really good condition on the outside, but pretty hacked up on the inside. $10 took it.
This was used to check the frequencies of radios (mostly aircraft radios). You plug in a crystal, then adjust the knobs to zero beat the radio to the test set. The settings of the knobs and dials would tell you how far off you were.
What really drew me to this was the very smooth vernier dial mechanism. It’s just too cool!
I’m sure I can use it for something.
Then I found an old VTVM (non-working) for $3 that has a nice meter. Maybe I can use it for a Wattmeter or something.
I found a nice CDMA modem, with a gps module inside. Nice case:
And some test leads cheap:
And a 6-amp 12-volt supply. I can use this on my bench, and stop grabbing on to my station supply when I’m experimenting.
And finally, some assorted audio jacks and plugs, with some white LEDs to replace burned out incandescent lamps in meters and such:
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