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MMR-40 Front Panel


MMR-40 Front Panel

Here are just a couple more pictures I had in the camera of the MMR-40 Box Up…

The plan is to put a piece of red acetate over the display, then the front panel image over the whole thing.  That should cover up any rough edges in the hole I cut out for the display. I replaced the incandescent light in the meter with a white LED that draws about 20 ma.  It gives it a nice color, and should never need replacing.

I plan on putting both the digital display and the meter backlighting on an electronic switch that will light for about 1 minute when I momentarily press a button.  That will save batteries when I don’t need to know what’s going on at all times.

Front Panel with displays powered up

Here is the back of the front panel.  The KD1JV Digital Dial is on the left, and the S-meter/Power Meter is on the right. The Digital dial is held in place by two countersunk flathead screws through the front panel, but under the PC board faceplate.

Back of Front Panel

I’ve gotten a little farther, but haven’t taken pictures yet, so stay tuned!


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