TS-430 Control Board: IC-2 Waveforms
TS-430 Control Board: IC-2 Waveforms
IC-2 on the control board in an I/O expander chip. It is a uPD8243c. This chip is directly compatible with the 8049 processor, and uses instructions received from the processor on pins 8-11 to control 4 output ports. These 4 ports drive the multi-digit florescent display unit.
Pin 1: I/O Port 5 Bit 0 (1 MHz digit)
Pin 2: I/O Port 4 Bit 0 (100 Hz digit)
Pin 3: I/O Port 4 Bit 1 (1 KHz digit)
Pin 4: I/O Port 4 Bit 2 (10 KHz digit)
Pin 5: I/O Port 4 Bit 3 (100 KHz digit)
Pin 6: Chip Select (low)
Pin 7: Clock Input (PROG)
Pin 8: CPU Interface I/O Port 2 Bit 3
Pin 9: CPU Interface I/O Port 2 Bit 2
Pin 10: CPU Interface I/O Port 2 Bit 1
Pin 11: CPU Interface I/O Port 2 Bit 0
Pin 12: Ground
Pin 13: I/O Port 7 Bit 0 (segment output ‘e’)
Pin 14: I/O Port 7 Bit 1 (segment output ‘f’)
Pin 15: I/O Port 7 Bit 2 (segment output ‘g’)
Pin 16: I/O Port 7 Bit 3 (Buzzer Output ON=Low)
Pin 17: I/O Port 6 Bit 3 (segment output ‘d’)
Pin 18: I/O Port 6 Bit 2 (segment output ‘c’)
Pin 19: I/O Port 6 Bit 1 (segment output ‘b’)
Pin 20: I/O Port 6 Bit 0 (segment output ‘a’)
Pin 21: I/O Port 5 Bit 3 (digit output M.CH)
Pin 22: I/O Port 5 Bit 2 (10 Hz digit)
Pin 23: I/O Port 5 Bit 1 (10 MHz digit)
Pin 24: VDD +5 volt supply
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