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Heathkit TC-1 Tube Tester Restoration Part 9


Heathkit TC-1 Tube Tester Restoration Part 9

Part 9: Cabinet Restoration

The cabinet was a little beat up, but not in too bad of condition mechanically.


Cabinet start condition

Cabinet restoration began with sanding the wood to remove the old varnish, and remove the majority of the chips, nicks, etc.  After sanding, I put it on the bench and applied a coat of stain/polyurethane finish to all surfaces.


Selected Finish


First Coat Applied

After the first coat, I buffed it down a bit with steel wool, then applied a second coat.

After the second coat, I buffed it down with steel wool again, and mounted the panel into the cabinet.  It looks a little better, I think…


Left Side

Right Side




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