8640 Jr Revisited
8640 Jr Revisited
I’ve had this signal generator project on my bench for a while now. Basic functionality is there, with approximately +7dbm output from 833 kc to 36 mc or so. Now it’s time to put some finishing touches on it, and box it up in a presentable format.
Band 1 covers 833 kc to 1.6 mc. Here is the output (all measurements into a 50 ohm load) The top yellow trace is the output for a frequency counter. The bottom Green trace is the high level output:
Band 3 covers approximately 3.5 mc to 6.6 mc.
Band 5 covers approximately 12.5 mc to 36 mc (extended by fine tuning control).
I want to use this as a low-level signal generator for receiver testing/troubleshooting as well. That will require some attenuation, which I will cover next.
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