8640Jr – Band 3 Lowpass Filter
8640Jr – Band 3 Lowpass Filter
Filed in homebrew on May.19, 2012
There is a little distortion on the waveform of the Band 3 Low Pass Filter Output. The Spectrum Analyzer shows only about 14 db of attenuation on the 3rd harmonic of frequencies near the low end of the Range. This agrees with the predicted results below.
Band 3 Lowpass Filter Passband
The original design looks like this…
Band 3 Lowpass Schematic
The actual spectrum output looks like this on the low end of the range…
Band 3 Low Pass Filter Output Spectrum
Things look better on the high end of the range, and the waveform looks better there, as well.
Band 3 Lowpass Filter Output Spectrum - High End of Range
The predicted bandpass is as follows (10.5 mhz down about 15 db):
Band 3 Low Pass Filter Predicted passband
Here are the waveforms… For the Low End Frequencies:
Band 3 Low Pass Filter Output - Low End of Range
and for the High End…
Band 3 Low Pass Filter Output - High End of Range
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