Field Day 2011
Field Day 2011
Results for Field Day 2011:
For Field Day 2011, I had some slightly different goals than in the past:
- Incorporate CW contacts into the mix
- Incorporate PSK/Digital Contacts into the mix
- Concentrate on working maximum number of stations, regardless of sections worked
- Operate Off of Battery Power, to provide relief from generator occasionally
- Get 43′ Dipole working on 160 – 10 meters
I accomplished all of these goals, with the exception of #2.
While I had the digital interface hooked up (I believe correctly), I was
never able to get anyone to talk with me on PSK-31 prior to Field Day
Operations starting. So I gave up on that aspect. I’ll debug the
operational/technical problem at home.
I don’t know if better propagation resulted in more sections worked, or better antennas (43′ vertical for most contacts this year), or just the fact that I was calling everyone I heard.
It’s strange that I couldn’t work some of the 7th call area this year. I tried on my vertical and my doublet, but could only hear normal rag-chews on 80 meters this year. I don’t know why that was different this time.
For the CW contacts, I realized that almost all FieldDay participants are operating at over 20 words per minute. Since I can only copy about 15 wpm comfortably, I decided to use a computer decoder to help out with the faster speeds. It’s not 100% effective, but sure gives a nice warm, fuzzy feeling that you won’t be left stammering when an operator asks you to repeat your section at 30 WPM.
I used the MRP-40 program for CW decoding. It worked pretty well
when it was receiving only. It would automatically track the code speed
and decode even fairly weak signals. But when I transmitted, because I
was only sending at 15 wpm, it would search for my speed (from my
sidetone) while I was sending, then it would take several (maybe 5 – 10)
seconds to lock back onto the other guy at 25 wpm that he was sending.
So I got pretty good at recognizing the requests for repeats:
So my method was to tune into a station calling CQ, and wait for someone to respond to him (if it wasn’t too long). Then I could note his section and class. Next time he sent a CQ, I would answer, and be able to follow the exchange because I knew what to expect. Occasionally, I would have to resend my class or section, or even my call; but it worked pretty well. There were even a few operators who would slow down for me when they saw that I was replying at a lower speed. That was nice. Sometimes, I took a chance and answered a CQ without the prep if the guy on the other end was only going 20 wpm or so. The exchange was standard enough that I could muddle through it.
For Item # 5, Getting the 43′ Vertical working on 160 – 10 meters, I have a previous post that covers the technical details about that. In addition, I abandoned trying to make the coax do double duty as RF and DC transport. I removed the RF choke I had been having problems with, because testing it with the antenna analyzer showed that it had low impedance at RF frequencies that would cause problems. So I wired in an F connector and ran the +/- 12 volts to the relays over a separate RG-59 cable. That worked great.
For Goal # 4, I used a Marine Deep Cycle Battery and a cheap 12 volt charger from Harbor Freight. When the generator was running, it would charge the battery, when it stopped, the battery continued to supply power to the radio. Nice…
Finally, a word about my CW paddles. I don’t know if it is because I don’t use them much, but they seemed very touchy on their adjustments. Sometimes when I would press on one side or the other, a Di or Dah would come out (most of the time), but sometimes it didn’t make contact. Maybe because of temperature fluctuations, I had to readjust the paddles maybe 3-4 times per day to keep them working. Not too happy with that.
Sections Worked:
QSO Points:
Graph of Activity:
Activity 2011
Stations Worked:
Call Used: WB0SMX Class: 1B ARRL Section: AZ 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:13:46 N6R 11A SB 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:21:49 W6ZE 6A ORG 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:23:57 N0SRF 3A CO 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:26:13 WB6ZQZ 2A SJV 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:29:07 W7DRC 3A UT 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:31:14 K6SEE 6A SDG 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:32:33 WA6KEK 2A SJV 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:33:32 KC5ORO 2A NM 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:35:24 NI6IW 3D SDG 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:36:25 N6KRV 6A SJV 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:39:09 KX7YT 1D OR 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:43:26 K6SOA 3A ORG 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:47:18 KI6FGV 1E LAX 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:48:10 K6NDG 1E SDG 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:49:30 N0BRC 2A SF 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:50:12 K6QM 4A SDG 40 PH 2011/06/25 18:56:29 WK6O 2A ORG 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:10:14 KK7PR 2A OR 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:11:16 VE7CVA 4F BC 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:17:06 AB6S 1B EB 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:18:36 W6ARA 4A SCV 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:20:06 K6BW 2A SF 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:21:57 K3PZN 9A MDC 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:24:53 N7TT 1D WWA 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:26:32 AK9D 4A MO 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:35:58 W4IT 1A SC 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:40:25 K8BF 4A OH 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:44:19 K5HAB 4A NM 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:47:21 K4LRG 5A VA 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:51:07 K6PV 2A LAX 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:55:49 N6NA 3A SV 20 PH 2011/06/25 19:59:18 W6KB 3A SF 20 PH 2011/06/25 20:03:44 N0UA 3A CO 15 PH 2011/06/25 20:07:32 N7IG 2A WWA 15 PH 2011/06/25 20:09:42 W7VNE 2A MT 15 PH 2011/06/25 20:10:41 W7AIA 3A WWA 15 PH 2011/06/25 20:13:05 W6ARA 4A SCV 15 PH 2011/06/25 20:14:14 W0ICT 1A KS 15 PH 2011/06/25 20:20:10 W7ED 2A MT 15 PH 2011/06/25 20:22:36 W0ZWY 2A SD 15 PH 2011/06/25 20:37:17 W4DXA 3E SC 15 CW 2011/06/25 21:03:32 W7IVM 5A UT 15 CW 2011/06/25 21:13:31 W5CT 1E STX 15 CW 2011/06/25 21:16:05 W6KB 3A SF 15 CW 2011/06/25 21:18:51 W5UR 4A NM 15 CW 2011/06/25 21:24:46 W7VE 1A WWA 15 CW 2011/06/25 21:28:38 W9DC 1A SC 15 CW 2011/06/25 21:35:52 K4RAN 3A AL 15 CW 2011/06/25 21:41:47 K9CT 1B IL 15 CW 2011/06/25 21:53:03 W0GG 2A CO 15 CW 2011/06/25 21:55:58 W5NOR 2A OK 15 CW 2011/06/25 21:59:30 W0NT 13E CO 15 CW 2011/06/25 22:03:08 WC7Q 1B EWA 15 CW 2011/06/25 22:08:06 N7OU 1B WWA 15 CW 2011/06/25 22:10:52 KF0UR 2E CO 15 CW 2011/06/25 22:14:02 AE6C 1A SV 15 CW 2011/06/25 22:16:14 W7PX 2A MT 15 CW 2011/06/25 22:21:10 K6PV 2A LAX 15 CW 2011/06/25 22:24:08 WC4EM 2A WCF 15 CW 2011/06/25 22:30:55 NF8J 1D MI 15 CW 2011/06/25 22:43:23 N4WO 3A NFL 15 CW 2011/06/25 22:57:09 W9CA 3A IL 15 CW 2011/06/25 23:00:21 N7KN 3A EWA 15 CW 2011/06/25 23:04:35 W4CAE 7A SC 15 CW 2011/06/25 23:06:44 K6SA 2A SCV 15 CW 2011/06/25 23:10:26 K3WW 1D EPA 15 CW 2011/06/25 23:18:26 W7PIG 3A WWA 15 CW 2011/06/25 23:26:04 K4TS 8A VA 15 CW 2011/06/25 23:31:22 K7LED 6A WWA 15 CW 2011/06/25 23:41:39 KC4RTK 4A SFL 15 CW 2011/06/25 23:51:30 N6MQL 2A SV 15 CW 2011/06/26 00:05:25 W4TA 5A WCF 15 CW 2011/06/26 00:07:25 K4QPL 1E NC 15 CW 2011/06/26 00:14:17 K2BR 5F SNJ 15 PH 2011/06/26 00:33:52 W1UR 2A NH 15 PH 2011/06/26 00:36:10 W1OP 3A RI 15 PH 2011/06/26 00:39:29 W3AO 25A MDC 15 PH 2011/06/26 00:45:01 W1AW 4F CT 15 PH 2011/06/26 00:46:18 K4FC 7A NFL 15 PH 2011/06/26 00:49:53 WD4UM 2A GA 15 PH 2011/06/26 00:51:13 KC0VFO 1E CO 15 PH 2011/06/26 00:53:12 K1R 5A NH 15 PH 2011/06/26 00:54:53 N4VG 1A AL 15 PH 2011/06/26 00:56:21 W3VPJ 2E EPA 15 PH 2011/06/26 00:57:19 W4FLO 1A TN 15 PH 2011/06/26 00:59:40 K4HH 5A KY 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:04:36 W1NVT 2A VT 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:11:55 W2RDX 2A WNY 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:13:08 KH6RS 1A PAC 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:21:27 W3KWH 3E WPA 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:22:30 K5DX 1A STX 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:24:24 VE3MIS 10A ON 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:26:06 KA0FPJ 1B CO 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:30:49 W8VPV 5A OH 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:33:20 AC5O 1D LA 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:35:06 KC9PQA 2D IN 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:37:12 N4WZ 3A SFL 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:39:41 W4UAL 3E AL 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:48:59 K8ARC 2A MI 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:49:58 NA5NN 3A MS 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:51:06 N9AKR 1D IL 15 PH 2011/06/26 01:59:34 K5TYR 2A NTX 15 CW 2011/06/26 03:03:24 WS4Y 2A KS 20 CW 2011/06/26 03:27:59 N7OU 1B WWA 20 CW 2011/06/26 03:32:15 K2NJ 2E NNJ 20 CW 2011/06/26 03:35:45 W6AEA 1D EWA 20 CW 2011/06/26 03:38:48 W1HP 2A EMA 20 CW 2011/06/26 03:40:30 WC7Q 1B EWA 20 CW 2011/06/26 03:44:47 W9LO 5A WI 20 CW 2011/06/26 03:49:05 K7CEM 5F WWA 20 CW 2011/06/26 03:51:55 K0HB 1E MN 20 CW 2011/06/26 03:54:49 AA3B 1E EPA 20 CW 2011/06/26 03:56:31 W3AO 25A MDC 20 CW 2011/06/26 03:58:19 AI5M 1A STX 20 CW 2011/06/26 04:02:08 N3VZ 2A EPA 20 CW 2011/06/26 04:04:18 W0SRC 3A MO 20 CW 2011/06/26 04:07:05 K5DB 1D AR 20 CW 2011/06/26 04:14:39 N4WZ 3A SFL 20 CW 2011/06/26 04:20:41 W8CCI 3E OH 20 CW 2011/06/26 04:24:23 KE3Q 25A MDC 20 CW 2011/06/26 04:26:05 W8KA 1D SB 40 CW 2011/06/26 04:36:22 K0KKV 3A NE 40 CW 2011/06/26 04:40:29 K4XY 4A VA 40 CW 2011/06/26 04:44:26 K0DU 1D CO 40 CW 2011/06/26 04:46:51 W0NT 13E CO 40 CW 2011/06/26 04:49:52 W0QE 1D CO 40 CW 2011/06/26 04:57:37 W7FLY 3E WWA 40 CW 2011/06/26 05:01:05 W7AQ 4A EWA 40 CW 2011/06/26 05:06:05 W9LO 5A WI 40 CW 2011/06/26 05:11:28 K7EUG 2A OR 40 CW 2011/06/26 05:16:04 KF0UR 2E CO 40 CW 2011/06/26 05:19:40 AC0C 1D KS 40 CW 2011/06/26 05:21:55 W0GG 2A CO 40 CW 2011/06/26 05:24:45 W7POE 1A MT 40 CW 2011/06/26 05:27:10 W6ARA 4A SCV 40 CW 2011/06/26 05:30:21 NE7D 2B OR 40 CW 2011/06/26 05:33:00 AF7Z 1E UT 80 CW 2011/06/26 05:43:54 K7UM 4A UT 40 PH 2011/06/26 14:34:17 KU6S 5A EB 40 PH 2011/06/26 14:35:03 KE7NO 1B MT 40 PH 2011/06/26 14:36:28 N0KGM 1F UT 40 PH 2011/06/26 14:38:03 K7UB 4A UT 40 PH 2011/06/26 14:39:07 W6ARA 4A SCV 40 PH 2011/06/26 14:42:42 W7IVM 5A UT 40 CW 2011/06/26 14:50:27 K6NV 2A SV 40 CW 2011/06/26 14:52:54 W8KA 1D SB 40 CW 2011/06/26 14:57:50 W6GRV 1D LAX 40 CW 2011/06/26 14:59:47 K6PV 2A LAX 40 CW 2011/06/26 15:01:59 KR5NM 2A NM 40 CW 2011/06/26 15:26:38 K0IIT 2A CO 40 CW 2011/06/26 15:32:14 K6TS 2A EB 40 CW 2011/06/26 15:33:37 K6EI 7A SCV 40 CW 2011/06/26 15:35:57 W6UW 2A SCV 40 CW 2011/06/26 15:40:40 K0RV 3A CO 40 CW 2011/06/26 15:43:17 WA9STI 2B SJV 40 CW 2011/06/26 15:47:18 W6T 2A SCV 15 CW 2011/06/26 15:53:03 K7UXO 2A MT 15 CW 2011/06/26 16:03:42 N5JB 1A NTX 20 CW 2011/06/26 16:13:00 K9YA 1A IL 20 CW 2011/06/26 16:13:55 W5UR 4A NM 20 CW 2011/06/26 16:17:16 K8MP 1D OH 20 CW 2011/06/26 16:22:19 N7LE 3A OR 20 CW 2011/06/26 16:25:26 VE6KZ 1B AB 20 CW 2011/06/26 16:32:31 N2NNY 3A NNY 20 CW 2011/06/26 16:34:08 K5NRH 4A NTX 20 CW 2011/06/26 16:41:12 W1NY 7A WMA 20 CW 2011/06/26 16:44:32 W6CUS 3A EB 20 CW 2011/06/26 16:45:51 W7R 2A WWA 20 CW 2011/06/26 16:48:36 N8SL 3A MI 20 CW 2011/06/26 16:50:23 W7OTV 4A OR 20 CW 2011/06/26 16:55:55 W7SAA 8A OR 20 CW 2011/06/26 16:58:50 KK7S 1D WWA 20 CW 2011/06/26 17:00:18 W7FLY 3E WWA 20 CW 2011/06/26 17:02:42 KL7AA 3A AK 20 CW 2011/06/26 17:06:49 K6KQV 1E SCV 20 CW 2011/06/26 17:09:40 W7POE 1A MT 20 CW 2011/06/26 17:13:18 K0BO 5A CO 20 CW 2011/06/26 17:16:10 K7GS 1D EWA 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:24:47 W9ZL 2A WI 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:27:28 W9HB 1E WI 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:28:59 W0QE 1D CO 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:33:18 N0HR 1D IA 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:37:15 W0AK 2A IA 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:39:34 W9MVA 3A WI 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:41:02 VE3KP 1E ON 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:55:03 W2ORC 2F WNY 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:57:21 W2RDX 2A WNY 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:58:22 N0MA 3A IA 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:59:46 KF0UR 2E CO
Natural Power QSOs:
Call Used: WB0SMX Class: 1B ARRL Section: AZ 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:24:47 W9ZL 2A WI 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:27:28 W9HB 1E WI 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:28:59 W0QE 1D CO 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:33:18 N0HR 1D IA 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:37:15 W0AK 2A IA 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:39:34 W9MVA 3A WI 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:41:02 VE3KP 1E ON 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:55:03 W2ORC 2F WNY 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:57:21 W2RDX 2A WNY 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:58:22 N0MA 3A IA 10 CW 2011/06/26 17:59:46 KF0UR 2E CO
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