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Ham Shack 1985


Ham Shack 1985

In 1985, we lived in Garden City, Kansas.

I was scanning in some old negatives today, and came across these.  Nice looking shack back then…

Hamshack 1985

I was a member of Navy/Marine Corps MARS back then (NNN0AFM). The equipment was:

Top Shelf: TH-21 2 Meter HT, Antenna Switch, Navy OS-8C Monitor Scope (For RTTY Tuning)

Middle Shelf: MFJ-949 Antenna Tuner, Homebrew Audio Switchbox, IRL-FSK500 RTTY MODEM

Bottom Shelf: Astron RS-20A Power Supply, Yaesu SP-107 Speaker, Kenwood TS-430

Behind me is a TRS-80 Model 4, with single 5-1/4″ floppy (360K) and built in Green Screen 80×50 character monitor.  This was a big upgrade from the TRS-80 Color Computer that used a cassette recorder to store data.

Shack w/o me blocking view


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