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MMR40 – Finished… For now


MMR40 – Finished… For now

Ok, I’ve spent enough time on this one project.  Once again, I couldn’t make it perfect (and that drives me crazy)… but it’s time to call it finished.

The final touches involved a little chassis work.  A few coats of paint (but I was too lazy to fix the existing scratches in the top of the case)…


There was a large hole in the side for the orginal CB microphone.  I covered this up with a piece of perfboard glued to the chassis inside the hole. It was painted black to make it less visible.


And finally, some stick on rubber feet were applied to the bottom.


I don’t know if it is the lack of AGC, or what, but I really like the sound of this receiver.

Migrated Comments:

3 Responses to “MMR40 – Finished… For now”

  1. Steve Says:

    Cool idea putting it in a disused CB case

  2. Randy Says:

    Hi Steve. Yea, it worked well. There was plenty of room, and all the accessories you need (s-meter, so-239, etc).
    73 de Randy WB0SMX

  3. KD8JBX Says:

    I am building this as complete homebrew and have an LCR meter and about 400ft of an unknown gauge magnet wire, I am looking at a lot of information about the MMR-40 but none of it (that I have found) mentions the inductance values for the coils, which would help me finish the rig without blowing $20 for wire plus the cores which I can get locally for $0.15 – $0.50 at a surplus electronics shop. I just wanted to know if you could please measure the coils and let me know what the values are for them, it would be a BIG help. Also thanks for the 2:1 ratio for Peroxide and Acid, it worked great!
    73 de Chris KD8JBX


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