Analyzing the MMR40 PTO – Spice Model
Analyzing the MMR40 PTO – Spice Model
Filed in Kits on Jan.25, 2009
Modeling in ltSpice:
After finding a model for the J310 Jfet Transistor at the QRPL Archives I was able to enter the model into ltspice and see that it did indeed oscillate at about the right frequency.
Here is the .asc file... MMR40_Hartly_Osc.asc
As I have just started leaning ltSpice, I have not yet found a way to give the components designations with numbers that match the original circuit. For instance, I would like the jfet in this circuit to be labeled Q14, but ltSpice insists on naming it J1. So with that in mind, here is the equivalent part numbers:
Original = Spice
- Q14 = J1
- D1 = D2
- L1 = L1
- L2 = L2
- Tickler = L3
- R1 = R2
- R2 = R1
- C1 = C2
- C6 = C5
- C8 = C4
- C9 = C1
- U6 Pin 6 = R3
- C4 = Not Shown
Other Spice Model Notes:
- I set the mutual inductance between L1 and L2 at 0.0 because L2 is on a toroid, and I think that would really minimize mutual coupling.
- I set the mutual coupling between L2 and L3 to 0.9 because they are both wound on the same toroid.
- I ended up setting the series Resistance for L1 and L2 to 3.5 ohms each. This is not what I calculated above, but without reducing the Q of the two coils, I was getting an unrealistic oscillation voltage of about 20vpp. By reducing the Q with the higher series resistance, the waveforms came out to match the real world circuit pretty closely.
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